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Guaranteed Whole Grain

We guarantee whole grain in all UNCLE TOBYS breakfast cereals

Whole grains are an important part of a nutritious diet

Nutritionists recommend whole grains as part of a nutritious diet. One easy way to enjoy whole grain is with a serving of UNCLE TOBYS cereal. In fact, every UNCLE TOBYS cereal is made with whole grain – guaranteed – because every UNCLE TOBYS cereal provides at least 8g of whole grain per serve.

What is whole grain?

Unlike refined grains, where only the endosperm is present, whole grain contains every edible part of the grain. So whole grains contain more nutrients and beneficial ingredients. Whole grains can be unprocessed, cracked, flaked or ground, but they must still contain every part of the edible grain in the same ratio as found in nature.

Bran (outer layer of the grain) – for fibre, B vitamins and protein.

Endosperm (middle layer of the grain) – for protein and carbohydrates.

Germ (inner core of the grain) – for B vitamins, a small amount of polyunsaturated fat and minerals such as iron and zinc.

Why switch to whole grain?

Whole grains provide many nutrients including dietary fibre, minerals, vitamins, lignans and phytonutrients. It is thought that the combination of these nutrients accounts for the health benefits seen in people who consume more wholegrains in their daily diet.1

The benefits add up

With so many benefits, there’s very good reason to start including more wholeg rains in your diet. It has also been shown that the benefits of eating whole grains are greater than consuming their components individually. In other words, ‘the whole is greater than the sum of the parts’.1

How much whole grain?

Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council Ltd, the leading independent nutrition advisor in Australia for grain foods in human health, advises that we should aim to reach 48g of whole grains every day. And with some simple changes, such as switching to a whole grain breakfast cereal, it’s easy to work towards your daily dose of wholegrain.

For starters, every UNCLE TOBYS cereal provides at least 8g whole grain per serving.

How can I tell if my food/cereal contains whole grain?

All UNCLE TOBYS cereals contain whole grain guaranteed, so it couldn’t be easier to up your daily whole grain intake.

Is it whole?

One of the easiest ways to check whether your cereal or food contains whole grain is to look at the ingredient list. Any grain which is described as whole e.g. wholemeal, whole grain wheat, whole grain rice will contain all parts of the grain kernel. The exception to this is for ‘whole rice’, which is sometimes used to describe white rice. White rice and products made from the endosperm e.g. puffed white rice, are not wholegrain as they are refined to remove the outer bran layer. However, brown rice and wild rice are wholegrains.

There are also a number of other grains in the whole grain category.

Is it a major ingredient within the food?

If the grain is a main ingredient within the product, it will be listed near the start of the ingredient list and so will be making a bigger contribution to your whole grain intake.

Whole grain checklist

For easy reference, print this checklist to help you identify which foods contain whole grain.

Then simply check the list against a product’s ingredient list. If the wholegrain is one of the main ingredients in a product it will be mentioned towards the beginning of the ingredients list.

Know your whole grains:

  • Whole wheat
  • Bulgur (cracked wheat)
  • Sorghum
  • Whole oats / oatmeal
  • Popcorn
  • Triticale
  • Whole rye
  • Wild rice
  • Brown rice
  • Whole grain barley
  • Amaranth
  • Buckwheat

How to get to 48g

  1. Look out for “whole” on the label – wholemeal, whole wheat and whole oats are all whole grains.
  2. Swap refined white breads, pasta and rice (white) for whole grain varieties (brown).
  3. Start your day with a breakfast cereal that clearly states it is made with whole grains. All UNCLE TOBYS cereals contain guaranteed whole grain.
  4. Mix wild rice with white rice, or switch to brown rice.
  5. Use wholemeal breadcrumbs when creating a crunchy topping in savoury dishes.
  6. Choose rice cakes, rye crispbread, UNCLE TOBYS CHEERIOS or plain popcorn as a whole grain snack.
Meal ideas

Day 1
Breakfast: bowl of UNCLE TOBYS PLUS Omega 3 (17g WG)
Lunch: smoked salmon & salad sandwich with 2 slices wholemeal bread (32g WG)
TOTAL = 49g whole grain

Day 2
Breakfast: bowl of UNCLE TOBYS Oats (30g WG)
Snack: 2 wheat crispbreads (20g WG)
TOTAL = 50g whole grain

Day 3
Lunch: cheese and tomato sandwich with 2 slices wholemeal bread (32g)
Dinner: stir-fry with 1/3 cup brown rice (30g WG)
TOTAL: 62g whole grain

Which UNCLE TOBYS foods contain guaranteed whole grain?

All UNCLE TOBYS Cereals contain whole grain. These foods provide at least 8g of whole grain per serve, however, many provide much more than this. Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council Ltd is a leading source of information on grains and recommends eating 48g of whole grain a day.


  1. Slavin et al (2001) Grain processing and nutrition. Critical Revies in Biotechnology 21:49-66.
  2. Murtaugh MA et al (2003) Epidemiological support for the protection of wholegrains against diabetes. Proceedings of the Nutrition society 62:143-9
  3. Johnston et al (1998) Cholesterol lowering benefits of a wholegrain oat ready-to-eat cereal. Nutrition in clinical Care, 1:6-12
  4. Karmally et al (2005) Cholesterol-Lowering Benefits of Oat-Containing Cereal in Hispanic Americans. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 105:967-970
  5. Andon and Anderson (2008) The Oatmeal-Cholesterol Connection: 10 Years Later. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine; 2:51-57
  6. Kelly SAM, Summerbell CD, Brynes A. Wholegrain cereals for coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007
  7. Liu S et al. (2003) Relation between changes in intakes of dietary fibre and grain products and changes in weight and development of obesity among middle-aged women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78, 920-927.
  8. Harland JI and Garton LE (2008) Whole-grain intake as a marker of healthy body weight and adiposity. Public Health Nutrition 11(6):554-63.
  9. Williams P et al (2008) Cereal grains, legumes, and weight management: a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence. Nutrition Reviews 66(4):171-182