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S-26 Social House Rules


S-26 Gold Toddler NZ is committed to creating a community that both encourages interaction and collaboration and shows respect for others. We ask our fans to do their part and comply with these rules for posts, uploads, communications and general behaviour on social platforms sponsored by Nestlé.

Nestlé values any feedback and engagement, so please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of this page.

This page is dedicated to S-26 Toddler NZ Milk Drinks, which are suitable from 1 year of age. Nestlé abides by the Infant Nutrition Council Code of Practice for the Marketing of Infant Formula in New Zealand and we ask that you avoid posting infant-related queries or comments on this page. For more information or if you have an infant-related query, please contact our Careline team directly on 0800 443 229.

In the spirit of openness, it’s worth highlighting that if a post breaks these rules, it may be hidden or deleted without notification, and the poster may be banned from this community, but we also commit to not deleting posts which are challenging or questioning of us as long as it’s done in a constructive way and in line with the guidelines below:

  1. Keep it clean: no indecent or otherwise inappropriate posts or uploads.
  2. Play fair: no defamatory, bullying, harassing, obscene, threatening, dangerous or abusive posts.
  3. Be respectful and kind: respect other people’s opinions and don’t attack people with extreme or hurtful language or with a personal attack. It stops conversation and can hurt people.
  4. Stay on topic: no spam, good luck/chain posts, commercial/promotional posts including any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, nor repeated postings of unconstructive, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable comments/statements.
  5. Be original: feel free to share video content, pictures, links, photographs, and text if you have rights to it – if you don’t own it or have permission, don’t post it.
  6. Be mindful of people’s privacy: don’t invade other’s privacy or publicity rights and don’t give out yours or anyone else’s personal information. We respect data privacy as set out in our Privacy Notice which applies to personal information or material shared on this page in addition to the platform’s own rules.
  7. Keep it true and legal: no unlawful, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive posts.
  8. Be responsible: Children under the age of 13 should not post comments without the permission of their parents or guardians.
  9. Introduce yourself: if you are affiliated with Nestlé (employee, agency, incentivised blogger/brand ambassador, etc.), be sure to let everyone know. Your posts should reflect this affiliation.
  10. Do the right thing: ensure all posts comply with this site’s terms of use.

The content posted by fans on this site does not necessarily reflect our views or opinions. We are not responsible for anything contained in links on this site to third party content or websites.

Please also note that questions can only be answered during working hours and we retain the right to amend the present House Rules at any time.

By contributing to this site, you agree to allow S-26 Toddler NZ to use your content (including product ideas and your user ID and photo) without obligation or compensation to you which includes other Nestlé social media sites. Thanks for being an S-26 Toddler NZ fan!

See full privacy notice here: