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Other Commodities

It’s a long-term journey to map our extended supply chains and develop strategies to address complex issues such as child labour. We’re well on the road, focusing on the categories of raw materials shown below. Each of these supply chains presents its own set of challenges.

Meat, poultry and eggs
We have developed a farm assessment protocol with the expertise of our partner, the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), as well as new sampling methods. Together with SGS, we are rolling out the first assessments of prioritized meat, poultry and eggs supply chains.

Together with the FLA, we extended our assessment and remediation activities across 20% of our global hazelnut volume, and are pleased to report that 20% of our volume is responsibly sourced. The content of assessments and remediation activities has also been improved to tackle basic health and safety working. We have published our action plan on the FLA website. In April 2014, the FLA published monitoring reports on hazelnuts and we published a Progress Report (pdf, 593 Kb).

Fish and seafood
Newly signed agreements with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and the Wild Salmon Center, of Portland, Oregon, will enable us to roll out the requirements of our Responsible Sourcing Guideline and specific requirements for fish and seafood, as well as identifying fishery improvement projects. The Guideline establishes a framework to ensure that all wild caught and farmed seafood, and its derived co-products, come from responsible sources that are committed to a process of continuous improvement towards sustainability.

Together with our vendors and our partner Proforest, we have achieved 61% traceability back to the mills and related farming geographies. Assessments of origins have started in Brazil and Argentina, and by the end of 2013, 14% was responsibly sourced.

The biggest challenge we faced was mapping supply chains. Nevertheless, in prioritised countries, we have achieved 34% traceability to individual mills. As a result of the assessments conducted by Proforest and the work done by Bonsucro, 13% of our volume is responsibly sourced.

Our vanilla supply chain is mapped. We have decided to work with two key suppliers in Madagascar to provide greater access to schooling and education, as well as increasing technical assistance to farmers and their families. In addition to these activities on the ground, 7% of our volume is responsibly sourced and 71% is traceable.

Paper and board
24% of our global volume is traceable. As a result of the engagement of many of the paper mills, converters and packaging manufacturers, and The Forest Trust assessments, including 100% of European suppliers, 22% of our volume is responsibly sourced.

In 2013, a sourcing survey was undertaken to identify the major countries of origin.

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Find out more in our Creating Shared Value full report