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Kiwis encouraged to ‘Give the Planet a Break’ by recycling right

KitKat replaces logo on limited edition bars with recycling call out after new data reveals soft plastics recycling misconceptions.
Give the Planet a Break

More than 4.9 million Kiwis believe that recycling is important (98%), however, three in five (62%) admit that they may not be recycling correctly.¹

According to research by KitKat, 82% of New Zealanders recycle regularly, but half (50%) didn’t realise it’s possible to recycle soft plastics, such as lolly and chocolate wrappers and chip packets. A further 54% incorrectly dispose of their soft plastics in household recycling bins, ultimately ending up in landfill.

To encourage and educate Kiwis to ‘Give the Planet a Break’ by recycling their soft plastics correctly, KitKat has made the bold move to temporarily replace its logo on the iconic four-finger milk chocolate bar, with an explicit call to consumers to recycle the packaging at participating stores and supermarkets.

To recycle soft plastics correctly, householders need to collect all their soft plastic packaging such as chocolate wrappers, ice pack bags, frozen food bags and most clean cling film wraps, make sure they are clean, empty and dry, and drop them into the Love NZ Soft Plastics Recycling bins at selected supermarket and other stores, something which only 25% of respondents knew to do, according to the research.

KitKat spokesperson Fraser Shrimpton commented; “KitKat is a brand synonymous with breaks. Together, we want to work with Kiwis to help them ‘Give the Planet a Break’ and recycle their soft plastics correctly.

“We know Kiwis want to do better for the planet but aren’t always sure how to recycle correctly. That’s why we’ve temporarily turned our iconic pack into a soft plastics recycling reminder, to support people on their own recycling journey.

“We’re hoping this reminder will encourage Kiwis to give the planet a break by bagging up their soft plastics and dropping them off next time they visit their local participating supermarket.”

Commenting on the campaign, Lyn Mayes, Scheme Manager of the Soft Plastic Recycling Scheme, said that New Zealand is on a journey when it comes to recycling of soft plastics.

“We know Kiwis want to do the right thing when it comes to recycling their soft plastics and encouragingly 46% in KitKat’s survey have identified they want to see more soft plastic recycling facilities and locations. Which is why we have worked closely with industry partners over the last 12 months to increase accessibility with drop-off locations now accessible to 69% of Kiwis within 20km of where they live or work.

“It’s fantastic to see such a bold campaign from KitKat to help educate and encourage Kiwis to recycle their soft plastics. As we continue to roll-out the program in more locations, we need Kiwis to do their bit, which will help keep soft plastics out of landfill and able to be recycled and repurposed into valuable materials such as fence posts, garden edging and cable covers.”

Not sure what can be recycled?

To help you work out what is considered soft plastic and what needs to be dropped off at a specific disposal bin, visit or check out our tips:

  • The Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) on pack offers clear instructions on the best way to dispose of your rubbish – including any special instructions to follow, like returning it to store for recycling.
  • If the wrapper or plastic can be scrunched in your hand, it’s often considered a soft plastic, so double check the ARL and hold onto it, then drop it off at the special soft plastics collection bin next time you visit a participating store.
  • Check on pack to see if there is a soft plastics recycle at store label.
  • Find your local soft plastics recycling station at

¹3gem, Soft Plastics Recycling - NZ, prepared for KitKat, March 2021. The study was conducted online during March 2021, among a sample comprised a nationally representative 1,000 New Zealanders