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Nestlé recognised for leadership on water and deforestation

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Environmental sustainability ratings agency CDP has named Nestlé as joint top in the consumer staples sector for its efforts to tackle deforestation.

In its 2014 report on global forests, Deforestation-free supply chains: From commitments to action, CDP commended Nestlé among 152 companies for its comprehensive assessment of risks and for the quality of its work to build capacity in the supply chain.

The same agency awarded Nestlé a Leadership level with a score of 20/20 for its water stewardship strategy in a separate report. Nestlé was commended for its well-integrated water strategy its detailed understanding of water risks and impacts and for its public commitments on water.

Since 2003, Nestlé has halved the water withdrawals from its factories per tonne of product. By 2015 the company commits to further reducing direct water withdrawal per tonne of product in every product category to achieve an overall reduction of 40% since 2005.

“This recognition for our efforts to preserve and protect water and the world’s forest resources – both precious and limited commodities – underscores our continued collective efforts and our desire to share them more broadly,” said Pascal Gréverath, Head of Environmental Sustainability.